
Google Glass and Casinos Don’t Go Hand in Hand

A new type of eyewear introduced by Google has recently sparked intense conversation— not only for it’s innovation and technology, but also for its use in casinos. That’s right. The new Google Glass eyewear is already being banned in casinos across the nation. What is Google Glass? The concept for Google Glass was introduced in April 2012 as a wearable computer device. Google Glass has not yet been introduced to the public, but some lucky users have had the opportunity to test the mini computer. It displays information like a hands-free smartphone would, but it’s worn as a pair of eyeglasses. Google Glass capabilities include snapping photos, surfing the web, checking for directions and catching video— all without even pushing a button. Why the restriction? In an effort to remove any suspicion or occurrences of cheating, the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement ordered 12 casinos in the state to [...]

2017-04-26T10:21:00-05:00Casino security|

Staying Safe in a Lockdown

It seems like every time I turn on the news, there is a story about a city hall, school, or hospital in a lockdown situation. In more extreme cases, entire cities in danger have shut down. Unfortunately lockdowns are becoming a semi-common occurrence, and it is important to be prepared. With adequate preparation, you can ensure that you and other building occupants will stay safe in an emergency situation.  Steps to Staying Safe Participate in Drills If your school or company participates in drills for lockdowns (or any other emergency), always fully partake. Treating drills seriously now will ensure you feel more prepared in the future. Follow Instructions Even if a procedure feels counterintuitive, follow emergency personnel and/or your supervisor's instructions. By acting impulsively, you could put yourself in a dangerous or even deadly situation. Most schools, airports, hospitals, and other public facilities have created strategic plans to follow in [...]


Physical Security Information Management Software: Necessary for Government Buildings

Physical security information management solutions (PSIM) play an important role in protecting confidential information and safeguarding restricted areas. These solutions allow operators to gather vital information about any occurrence. In high security environments such as government buildings, security systems are particularly important. Instead of the traditional solution of administering systems individually, PSIM security software offers complete system integration. All of the connected systems will report to a rules engine, which will significantly reduce human error and react to an emergency or security threat. As part of the solution, cameras will offer video verification. Additionally, audio of the affected area may be broadcasted, or recorded, as the PSIM provides a list of responsive measures for the government operator to take. An integrated platform improves current investments, joining multiple systems in one interface. It collects and links occurrences from existing distinct security appliances and security systems as a complete solution. This in [...]


Are Uniforms Good For School Security & Safety?

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the number of public schools implementing a school uniform has been on the rise over the last 10 years. In 2000, 12 percent of public schools required a uniform. In 2010, 19 percent of school principals reported that they had adopted a uniform for their students. School uniforms are considered by the NCES to be an "indicator of school crime and safety," and safety is a primary advantage of school uniforms. Uniforms alone cannot solve all of our concerns but they can be a very positive element to safety and discipline. However, a uniform policy comes with its disadvantages and over the years there have been numerous controversies regarding their use. School Safety Advantages Uniforms help to eliminate the socioeconomic tension that affects students who cannot afford the latest trends. Makes it difficult for gang members to easily identify themselves. Prevents [...]

2017-04-26T10:21:26-05:00School Security|
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