

Using CCTV to protect your school

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) security monitoring systems have become increasingly popular as schools, businesses, government building, churches and private homes look to install video surveillance systems due to terrorist attacks and school/workplace shootings. As you can imagine, this technology can become outdated over the years; this is not necessarily a bad thing as companies come out with better technology that protects our loved ones. CCTV can help save lives because information on a suspect can easily be distributed to law enforcement and specific rooms of buildings. With the increase of school shootings, it is especially important for school districts to look into this technology. CCTV that allows access to law enforcement enables the police to know exactly where the suspects are inside the building. This knowledge also allows for medical aid to be distributed to isolated and secure areas of a school building. Saving lives comes down to seconds, not minutes [...]

Educating teachers on school safety: Part Two

This is part two of a two part series on how teachers can be educated on school safety to protect the future of our country: students. View part one here.  Once you are aware of a shooting in your school, there are some specific actions you can take to protect yourself and your students: Barricade your door: Move all the desks and chairs to the door. A normal shooting lasts seven minutes, so the shooters is not going to waste time trying to push through a door if it is barricaded. Contact authorities: Text or call 911, alerting someone that there is an attack going on at your school once you and your students are secure. Turn off the lights: This prevents the shooter from being able to see clearly through the door or windows. Hide:  The best places to hide are to get on the floor against a wall out of line of sight [...]

Educating teachers on school safety: Part One

This is part one of a two part series on how teachers can be educated on school safety to protect the future of our country: students. Many of the heroes of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting were teachers. In a time of intense crisis, they were able to face one of the worst possible dangers to their lives and their student’s lives: a shooter while not having any kind of protection. The result could have been much worse. Many of the staff at this facility were trained and educated on how to deal with this type of situation. While the government works out ways to protect schools by discussing gun control and other tactics, schools are still potential targets for crazed shooters.  However, there are ways for teachers and school personnel to protect their school from shooters before they become targets; and while a shooting is in progress. Ways to [...]

Thoughts and prayers to Newtown

OSSI would like to offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families and friends affected by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday morning.  I know that we are not the only ones who could not stop thinking about this horrifying tragedy these last few, long days. Our philosophy and mission is to make the world a safer place so while this tragedy occurred a thousand miles away, it truly saddens us. We offer our thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.

Keep your school safe with security systems

School security is not something to be taken lightly. The past few decades have shown that violence in schools has escalated dramatically from the days of school yard bullies. A survey done in 2007 showed that 5.4% of students in grades 9-12 polled had carried a weapon onto school property. Of those same students, 5.9% reported that they avoided going to school because they were afraid. At OSSI, we believe that even one student carrying a weapon on school property is too much. Since 1966, there have been 90 school shootings which have resulted in 231 deaths (13 of the shootings did not result in a death). The United States has more school shootings than any other country, by far. For over a decade, OSSI has installed many school security systems in K-12 schools and Universities. The software and hardware, called Compass 6e, started off as a basic access control system and evolved to include integrated CCTV (closed-circuit television), intrusion and elevator [...]

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